The NEXUS series
nexus: a connection or series of connections
nexus: une connexion ou se´rie de connexions
nexus: een verbinding of reeks verbindingen
Century Designs offers a number of domains
where the ‘nexus’ concept occupies a prominent place.
25.000 EUR
Nexus-0: the foundation. It is the start of everything, of every ‘network’ you can think of. It is a .com domain so it is very well suited for all sorts of purposes, commercial or otherwise.
100.000 EUR
Books… We have been fortunate to be able to use digital media for some time now. It is so easy to order a book and be able to start reading it a minute later, just after downloading it. But… aren’t we missing something? This book-nexus domain could be the starting point of something great: pointers to where we can go and read the older books, the manuscripts, even pointers to public libraries and smaller bookshops!
200.000 EUR
h2 = Hydrogen!
Join the hydrogen network! This world is constantly searching for new energy sources and now, hydrogen seems to be a promising alternative to existing ones. This domain might well become the host for all sorts of information about what is happening in the h2 industry. It might be a very interesting marketing tool for those who wish to sell their new technology.
250.000 EUR
Since it was invented in 2008, bitcoin has seen its value increase tremendously. It is still controversial but yet, it is very much in demand.
This domain will eventually become the meeting place where many will come to look for where to buy bitcoin, how it can be used, where information channels can be found to follow the daily evolution of this bitcoin market, etc. In a nutshell, this will be -the- place to find information about bitcoin.
If you are interested in any of these domains, contact us or make an offer by sending a mail to
All prices listed are exclusive of VAT (21%). Transfer of the domain will be approved as soon as we have received the payment in full. If you wish to work via a domain broker, you may request so but all costs are to be paid by the buyer.